Study ranks global Internet speeds by country and city, revealing where Ukraine stands

The Ookla company, which is the developer of the Speedtest service for measuring Internet speed, has published its rating by country and city.
In terms of mobile Internet speed, Ukraine ranks 97th in the world with an average speed of 24.83 Mb/s. The UAE (324.92 Mb/s), Qatar (243.95 Mb/s), Kuwait (189.11 Mb/s), China (161.56 Mb/s) and Norway (153.18 Mb/s) lead the way.
East Timor, Afghanistan and Cuba close the rating with 4.85 Mb/s, 4.81 Mb/s, 3.91 Mb/s respectively.
As for fixed broadband Internet, Singapore (263.51 Mb/s), Hong Kong (259.02 Mb/s) and Chile (249.82 Mb/s) were in the top three. Ukraine is in 67th place with 73.68 Mb/s. In the last place again is Cuba with a speed of 2.11 Mb/s.
The Speedtest rating contains data on two Ukrainian cities. Kharkiv ranks 92nd in terms of mobile internet speed in the world (33.96 Mb/s) and 91st in fixed internet speed (78.30 Mb/s). Kyiv ranked 121st in mobile speed (25.63 Mb/s) and 78th in landline Internet speed (91.12 Mb/s).
The fastest mobile Internet is in Dubai (386.62 Mb/s), and the best landline is in Beijing (296.32 Mb/s).