Юпитер и Венера образовали на небе яркую пару в феврале и марте. Как это выглядит – фото

Две самые яркие планеты на земном небе, Венера и Юпитер, на протяжении февраля образовали яркую пару, постепенно приближаясь друг к другу.
В начале месяца их разделяло 29 градусов, а 1 марта планеты "подойдут" на малейшее визуальное расстояние – 0,52 градуса.
Юпитер будет сиять с величиной -2,1, вдвое ярче Сириуса, самой яркой звезды на небе. А Венера вспыхнет с величиной -4,0, почти в шесть раз ярче Юпитера. В благоприятную погоду эти две планеты будут выделяться на небе. Вот как небесную встречу отслеживали астрофотографы в феврале:
Are you ready for Jupiter & Venus conjunction?
— IndiaMetSky Weather (@indiametsky) March 1, 2023
This spectacular celestial phenomena will occur on 1 and 2 March. Both planets will hang in the lower western sky just after sunset and they will be just 0.5° apart.
•This is an rare event, Visible all over India#jupiterandvenus pic.twitter.com/cOHiCgvihd
REMINDER: #Jupiter stands next to #Venus at dusk today. A beautiful moment.
— Panagiotis Xipteras (@xipteras) March 1, 2023
As usual for similar #astronomy events, I will be retweeting your photos, dear followers, so please add @xipteras to your tweet tonight.
Thanks, CS and good luck to you all. https://t.co/GI3qFP3ljc
There’s a meetup happening in the western sky: the crescent Moon sits close to Jupiter, with Venus below them. Jupiter and Venus will continue to cozy up until March 1, when they’ll be at their closest.
— NASA (@NASA) February 24, 2023
Have you spotted these three in the sky? Snap a picture and send it to us! pic.twitter.com/8W1iihFz3w
Crescent Moon, Jupiter and Venus aligned over Stonehenge last night
— Gemma Heaney (@GemmaHeaney1) February 26, 2023
As i missed it the night before due to clouds it wasn't looking hopeful for last night either but the clouds thinned and i popped up to see if i could get the shot :) pic.twitter.com/aYet158RhZ
An alignment of Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter (From Africa at 4 AM) pic.twitter.com/qFa1ng7HeQ
— Knowledgehub (@KnowIedgepost) February 22, 2023
This past evening Venus and Jupiter finally appeared through the clouds! This was taken from Grimsby, Ontario. There is another chance to catch the pair even closer together on Wednesday March 1. https://t.co/r4yjPSRBKF. @weathernetwork @twanight #jupitervenus #conjunction pic.twitter.com/rkKvX2OEQt
— Kerry LH (@weatherandsky) March 1, 2023
Moon, Jupiter and Venus aligned, St Philip street, New Orleans pic.twitter.com/0erEMwzsOf
— Marco (@marcorasi1960) February 26, 2023
Saying goodbye to February with the conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Jupiter from ALMA, Atacama Desert, Chile.
— ALMA Observatory(@almaobs) February 28, 2023
: Carlos González. pic.twitter.com/QBxNlXLANs