Ukraine considers regulating Telegram messenger over proliferation of Russian propaganda

The National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, together with relevant departments, is actively considering the issue of regulating the popular Telegram messenger, which has become a platform for spreading propaganda and hatred, reports the Ukrinform news agency.
The head of the Council, Olha Herasymiuk, expressed her thoughts during a public discussion on preventing expressions of hate speech and discrimination based on ethnic, national and religious grounds in the media.
Herasymiuk noted that separatist and pro-Russian groups widely use Telegram to spread their narratives and propaganda. She also pointed out that these groups have improved their communication and become more adept at using aggressive and provocative methods.
The Ukrainian authorities are now actively working on means of identification and response to this problem in Telegram. Herasymiuk emphasized that this task is extremely difficult due to the fact that pro-Russian groups are trying to legalize their presence in the messenger and mask their activities.