Impossible to involve all IT experts in such work for army, says deputy defense minister

It is impossible to involve all the citizens of the country in IT work in the army, Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development and Digitalization Kateryna Chernohorenko told DOU in an interview.
"We cannot involve all Ukrainians in IT work, because someone has to protect Ukraine at the front as well. However, we have to respond adaptively to needs," Chernohorenko said. If the Ministry of Defense needs certain people, they should be quickly taken from the front and made to help implement IT products. There are always vacancies for SAP specialists and devops in the ministry.
"I value that people who know how to storm and are motivated to storm wood lines should do it. Can I influence the staffing process? No. Can I move people so that they contribute to IT systems? Yes," the official told DOU.
"We want to gather under our umbrella the best IT people who will be able to receive these business requirements from our service members and quickly deliver: both combat systems and non-combat systems, and depaperization. There is a lot of work."
The Ministry of Defense is working on another electronic register of military personnel, which will function similarly to the Oberih system.